What is the Exam Pattern for IAS /Civil Services ?
The first step towards Civil Services Exam pattern is to familiarize yourself with the pattern of the examination.
- The candidate must have attained theageof 21 years and must not have attained theageof 32 years (for the General category candidate) on 1 August of the year of examination.
- Prescribedage limitsvary with respect to caste reservations. For Other Backward Castes (OBC) the upperage limitis 35 years.
- Currently, the number of attempts for IAS exam for general category candidates is set at six till 32years of age.
- While for those in the OBC category is nine till 35 years of age and for the SC/ST category is unlimited attempts till 37 years of age.
- Filling the form doesn't make an attempt.
- Minimum qualification for UPSC exam: The candidate must hold a degree from Government recognized Universities or possess an equivalent qualification.
Stage 1: Preliminary Exam Pattern
How many Papers (Marks /Pattern ) are in Pre exam Pattern for Civil Services ?
There are following 2 papers in pre exam
Paper I (General Studies)
- 200 Marks
- Duration: Two Hours
- Number of Questions: 100,
- There are 100 questions to be answered in two hours, each question carries two marks. It means there will be around 80 seconds to answer each question. So speed and accuracy is essential to tackle this examination. While the correct answer will fetch 2 marks, a wrong answer means a loss of 0.66 marks.
- The 100 questions can be broadly divided into three categories:
- • Multiple Choice Questions single response correct
- • Multiple Choice Questions multiple response correct
- • Multiple Choice Questions Matching type Minimum qualifying - 30 marks in paper 1
Paper II (Aptitude)
- 200 Marks
- Duration: Two Hours
- Number of Questions: 80,
- Comprehension (1+7+8)30-32q
- Interpersonal skills including communication skills 3-6 q
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability 3-6q
- Decision making and problem solving 8 q
- General mental ability 15-16q
- Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc.) (Class X level), Data Interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. & Class X level) 14-16 q
- English Language Comprehension skills (Class X level).
- Questions relating to English Language Comprehension skills of Class X level. (will be tested through passages from English language only without providing Hindi translation).
- Minimum cut off -70 marks in paper 2.
- Nature of paper I & II - Only Qualifying in nature.
Stage - 2 Main Examination Pattern & (1750 MARKS)
- The Main Examination will consist of written examination.
- The written examination will consist of9 papersof conventional essay type i.e. descriptive in nature.
- You have to write answer in QCA.
- Minimum qualifying
- Subject to 10% marks in each of seven papers..Essay, GS 1,2,3,4..optional paper 1 &2
- Breakup of questions-
- Paper-1 Essay write two essays choosing one from each of the following sections A & B in about 1000-1200 words each (125x 2 =250)
- Paper-2 GS-1 Total 20 questions. Question 1to 10 in.. 150 words. Question 11to 20 in 250 words.
- Paper-3- GS-2- Total 20 questions. Question 1to 10 in 150 words. Question 11to 20 in 250 words.
- Paper-4- GS- 3- .. Total 20 questions . Question 1to 10 in 150 words. Question 11to 20 in 250 words.
- Paper-5- GS- 4- Total 12 questions divided in ..part A & B.
- Part A has 6 questions with subparts Each has to be answered in 150 words.
- Part B has 6 questions with subparts Each has to be answered in 250 words.
- Optionals- 8 questions in 2 sections..A & B.questions 1& 5 are compulsory out of remaining choose any 3q.
Stage - 3 Personality Test (Interviews) - Exam Pattern
- The main aim of taking personality test is to know the overall personality of the candidate and traits of the candidate like their confidence, honesty, intellectual, integrity, understanding ground realities and depth of understanding of various concepts.
- The candidates who qualify in the IAS main exam are called for the IAS personality test. The IAS interview is of 275 marks, so the final IAS cut off is derived for the maximum marks of 2025.