Hand Emojji Images Dear Students, New Batches for IAS and MPPSC starting from 7th and 16th April (Mor-Eve)

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FAQ (UPSC Exam Preparations)

Preparing for IAS exam is all about discipline and sincerity. The goal is very high and competition is too tough. Preparation for IAS exam is not an easy task unless guided by a mentor and following strict schedule for each subject along with timely test series to assure that your preparations are exactly as per the syllabus and of high quality.

If you are planning to study for IAS exam after completing your graduation in Bhopal, then best option is to join the coaching institute that for UPSC that have good experience in training students and have outstanding results till date.

If you are studying in class 12th and want to crack IAS exam, then it’s the right time to start your preparations. Join the best IAS coaching class in Bhopal and let them strategies your preparations so that you can fulfil your dream of becoming an IAS officer as soon your pass your graduation.

Choosing an optional subject for UPSC Mains Exam totally depends about your interest. For some students Geography might be an easy option, however for others History seems easy. So it all depends on the area of your interest, as you will be learning in depth about that subject during IAS preparations.

It really does not matter from where you have bought notes for UPSC preparations. What’s more important is how strategically are you preparing for your exams. Buying notes is just 5 percent of the preparation. Syllabus is very vast. Sure shot option is to join the best IAS coaching in Bhopal and prepare as per their organised strategy.

Cracking IAS exam in first attempt is not a difficult task anymore. All you need is determination and sincerity towards achieving your dream goal. In order to structure your preparations in an organized way it is recommended to join one of the best IAS coaching in Bhopal. IAS coaching helps not only in structuring the preparations but also provides timely test series to check the quality and working areas.

If you are staying in Bhopal and want to prepare for UPSC exam without any coaching class, then make up your mind that it will not be an easy task. After all you are preparing to join the most reputed service of your country. While self-studying, You will have no mentor to guide when you are stuck somewhere. Discipline and determinate cannot be guaranteed when you are not organised well. So, it is always recommended to join the best coaching for IAS in Bhopal. Mentors in such institutes have already trained thousands of students and given results including top ranks. These mentors know the exact strategy that works to crack the exam in a disciplined way.

Unique IAS has been guiding students since last 30 years to achieve their dream job. Mentored by Gaurav Marwaha Sir, this IAS institute has given top rank holders to the society every year. It is the first ISO certified coaching institute for the preparation for IAS exams in Madhya Pradesh.

FAQ (MPPSC Exam Preparations)

Of course, you can clear MPPSC in first attempt. This has always been one of the hot questions asked by any MPPSC aspirant. MPPSC is all about knowing your surrounding well, being aware about what’s going on in your society, country and globally. Most important, how well you can resolve the societal issues and improve lives till the last mile. Its all about serving the society and country as a whole. This is what clearing MPPSC in first attempt all about. In order to be aware of your surroundings you need to follow the MPPSC syllabus and well-disciplined study pattern which can only be provided by best MPPSC coaching in Bhopal, Unique IAS and Mentor Mr. Gaurav Marwaha Sir. So, clearing MPPSC exam in first attempt is not a difficult task when guided by the mentors who have been helping MPPSC aspirants achieving their career dream since last 30 years. Unique IAS is the first ISO certified coaching in Madhya Pradesh and has been awarded as best MPPSC coaching in Bhopal MP by Honourable Chief Minister and Governor of Madhya Pradesh.

Preparing for MPPSC exam with a Job in Bhopal is not a tough task anymore. All you need is a determination to achieve your dream career in state services. First task is to set a timetable to manage a balance between your job and MPPSC preparations. Join one of the best MPPSC coaching in Bhopal for structured preparations and guidance. A dedicated mentor for your MPPSC preparations helps you to stick with the MPPSC syllabus and pattern. He will not only guide you but also not let you deviate from your preparations. With the help of MPPSC coaching institute you can give online MPPSC test series to check your preparations and also visit institute in evening hours after your job to discuss the doubts.

It is perfectly fine if you are completely new to MPPSC exam pattern and know nothing about it. Every expert was once a beginner. If you are at zero stage in your preparation, the best decision you can take is to join the best MPPSC coaching in Bhopal MP. MPPSC coaching helps you to structure the preparations as per the MPPSC exam pattern and latest syllabus. Unique IAS has been known for helping students in MPPSC preparations since last 30 years and have given top ranks till date. Syllabus of MPPSC is very vast, so studying on your own might lend you nowhere. Every subject for MPPSC exam preparation has a sequence for study. This sequence is well followed by Unique IAS, so that you get the proper clarification on every topic.

You should be graduate in order to apply for MPPSC exam, however there is no minimum qualification to start MPPSC preparation. Passing MPPSC exam is a tough task, however not impossible if are dedicated and sincere about it. If you are planning to prepare for MPPSC exam after 12th class, then first task is to download the latest syllabus, which is available on the official website, then check previous year’s MPPSC papers for last 5 years. This will help you to get an overview of what exam is all about and type of questions being asked. You can now join the best MPPSC coaching in Bhopal for proper guidance to clear MPPSC exam.

Deputy collector or DC is the highest rank post filled through direct recruitment conducted by MPPSC.

In order to qualify as an applicant for MPPSC exam, one should be graduate from recognized university and age should be between 21 years to 40 years, For Women (UR, PwD), Men, Women (SC, ST, OBC etc) – Maximum Age is 45.

Candidates belonging to general category can give unlimited number of attempts before they attain 40 years of age. For other categories there is added relaxation on age.

There is no harm in preparing for MPPSC without coaching class, but it would be similar to beating the bush. Though you will be having a syllabus and previous year papers, but you will not be having proper guidance and a mentor to help you throughout the journey of fulfilling your career dream. MPPSC Civil Services is a reputable job that requires hard work, dedication and sincerity. You cannot afford to waste time and prepare randomly. MPPSC preparations demands sincerity and properly organised method of study. Unique IAS has been helping aspirations under the guidance of Mr. Gaurav Marwaha Sir since last 30 years and have given lots of top rank holders in MPPSC exam.