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Painted Leopard Gecko

Painted Leopard Gecko

Painted Leopard Gecko
A new colourful species of Gecko  named “Eublepharis pictus” was recently identified by researchers. The species is also known as Painted Leopard Gecko

What are Gecko?
Geckos are reptiles, found on all continents except Antarctica. They have adapted to habitats ranging from rainforests, deserts, to cold mountain slopes. Most of the geckos are nocturnal, i.e., they are active at night.

Geckos  depend on fruits, flower nectar and insects.

What is the specialty of Eublepharis pictus?

Eublepharis is a genus of terrestrial geckos, which is native to eastern and southwestern Asia.

It lives in dry evergreen forests mixed with scrub and meadows.

It is strictly nocturnal, actively foraging along trails in forest after dusk.

The species is common in forests of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. And geographically appears to be separated by Brahmani River.

With this, the gecko genus Eublepharis now has 7 species.

What are the Species of Gecko found in India?

Indian Golden Gecko, belonging to family Gekkonidae, is native to India states of Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh.

Tokay Gecko belonging to family Gekkonidae is widespread in Indo-Malay

PM Shri schools

As per the new National Education Policy (NEP) the state-of-the-art ‘PM Shri schools’will be opened  with the aim of preparing students for the future.

About the  structure of the PM Shri Schools?

The education minister spoke about the 5+3+3+4 approach of the NEP covering pre-school to secondary while stressing on Early Childhood Care and Education Programme (ECCE), teacher training, adult education, integrating skill development with school education, and prioritising learning in one’s mother tongue.

The PM Shri Schools will also help bolster the education system across the COUNTRY